Both water meters and electric meters are SPU-owned equipment. Per policies, SPU is responsible for and has the right to access our equipment for purposes of replacing, repairing, maintaining or reading. This access is also a condition of service when applying for service as an SPU customer.
Anyone who receives a $100 penalty on their account has been mailed multiple first-class letters, has received a door-hanger and has also received a voice message, text message and/or an email (depending on the information on file with SPU), requesting an appointment be scheduled for the water meter exchange. These communication attempts have not been responded to.
Following three months of penalties, if no access is allowed (i.e., no appointment is made) water service will be disconnected.
These measures are taken for the benefit of all SPU customers as rate payers. To manually read meters for a select few is expensive and missing smart meters could compromise the integrity of the networked infrastructure newly installed.