SPU has a Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control Policy* designed to keep customer drinking water safe and free of contaminants. All customers who are connected to the SPU water distribution system with a backflow assembly are required to install, maintain and test this equipment to prevent the risk of backflow contamination.
The SPU Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control Policy was set by SPU’s residing Commission on March 21, 2022. As the water purveyor for the City of Shakopee’s distributed water system it is our responsibility to protect and keep the drinking water safe for all users, and to provide uniform requirements for all customers connected to the distributed water system with a backflow device. Therefore, SPU requires all backflow assemblies to be tested annually regardless of installation date.*
This penalty can be credited to the customer account if –
1) a successful test is completed and submitted within 60 days of the penalty date – OR – a system lockout is requested, and
2) the customer contacts SPU to request the credit. The credit will not automatically be applied.
An alternative to annual testing is to have the irrigation system locked out. You may request SPU to lockout your system at no charge and the irrigation system will not operate. Scroll down for online request form.
Backflow assemblies are typically a pressure vacuum breaker (PVB), double check valve (DCV) or a reduced pressure zone (RPZ) backflow prevention assembly that must be tested upon installation and then annually thereafter. It is the property owner’s responsibility to have these tests completed as required.
In the event a test has failed, the backflow assembly must be repaired or replaced by a licensed plumber, who is an ASSE certified backflow prevention rebuilder, and the assembly retested. Failure to submit a test annually or to correct a failed test result will place the property owner in non-compliance status with SPU’s Backflow and Cross-Connection Prevention Program.
*This policy implements Minnesota Admin. Rule 4714.0603, subp.1 and the 2020 Minnesota Plumbing Code, Chapter 6.
The following list is intended to provide customers with a list of qualified testers in the area. It is not an endorsement by SPU.
SPU Water Department will also perform testing. Availability is based on a first come, first serve basis.
Alternative Option to Testing
Irrigation System Lockout Request
All backflow assembly tests must be conducted by an ASSE certified tester and submitted by the tester to The Compliance Engine within 30 days of the assembly test. This Test Report Form can be completed and used to record test results.
The Compliance EngineIf you wish to be included on an SPU vendor selection list of ASSE certified and DLI-approved testers, please complete the form below. To be included on this list, testers must provide their tester ID and/or repairer ID, as well as their MN license number.
ASSE Certified Vendor List Application
Customer FAQ’s